Retrieving Information from Active Directory with SSIS

I was recently asked to help someone retrieve information from Active Directory for use in SSIS. My initial thought was “This shouldn’t be too difficult. I know there is an OLE DB driver for Active Directory, so it should just be a matter of hooking up a few components.” As it turns out, it took a few hours of painful trial and error to get something working. Also, at the end of it all, I found a different approach that was as simple as I had originally envisioned it. Hopefully, this will save some time for the next person needing to do this.
I’ll start with a summary of the results, in case you don’t feel like wading through the rest. It does work, but there are a few caveats. You can use either an OLE DB connection manager, or an ADO.NET connection manager with the .NET OLE DB wrapper. I recommend the ADO.NET connection manager, as it will allow you to use access Active Directory as a source in your data flows. If you are using the OLE DB connection manager, you will be limited to using Execute SQL tasks and passing the recordset into the data flow. There is a sample package attached that shows both approaches.
I started out using an OLE DB connection manager and choose the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services. I put in the server name, left the authentication as Windows Integrated, and clicked Test Connection. The test was successful, so I moved on to the next step.

I attempted to set up an OLE DB data source in my data flow, using my OLE DB connection manager. However, nothing worked. So I backed up, and tried an Execute SQL task. Still nothing. My first thought was that I didn’t have the syntax right for the query, but after trying it successfully outside of SSIS, I was looking at the connection again. Eventually I found a reference in MSDN to setting the ADSI Flag to 1 on the connection properties. After updating that, my Execute SQL task started working.

 The Execute SQL was set up to return the full resultset to an object variable. The query used was “SELECT cn FROM ‘LDAP://DC=DOMAINCONTROLLER,DC=local’ WHERE objectClass=’User'”. This retrieves all the users from Active Directory.

I then went back to using an OLE DB Source in the data flow, but it still wouldn’t work. The OLE DB Source didn’t seem like it was able to execute the query or get any metadata from the provider. So I took the approach of using a script source to process the recordset in the data flow.  (See this post for more information on handling recordsets in scripts.) That worked fine, but I was wasn’t completely satisfied.
I went back and tried creating a new connection manager. This time I used the ADO.NET connection manager, but still used the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services through the .NET Provider for OLE DB. Just for grins, I didn’t bother setting the ADSI Flag on this connection.
I then created an ADO.NET Reader data source in my data flow, set the connection to the connection manager I just created and put the same LDAP query in it.

When I ran the updated package, it worked first time through (without the ADSI Flag=1). Since it’s been my understanding that it is always preferable to use the OLE DB connection manager when working with OLE DB providers, this behavior was a little frustrating. It seems like you should get the same behavior whether you are using the OLE DB connection manager or the ADO.NET connection manager with the OLE DB wrapper.
Anyway, that was my journey through SSIS with Active Directory. I’d definitely recommend using the ADO.NET connection manager, as it make the process much easier. Please check out the sample package attached if you have further questions.

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